You know those days when you just wake up with a desire to do a certain thing? Yeah yesterday was one of those days.
And my desire? To grow stuff!
Haha okay that's a bit unusual for me I know. But for some reason I really wanted to start up my own little garden.
The only problem was: I know nothing about gardening.
So I walked down to the nearest DIY store (which happened to be Homebase) with the intention of buying some seeds. Simple enough right? Wrong! I never knew how many varieties you could get! So in my completely overwhelmed state, I chose a multi-pack of ten vegetables. It worked out cheaper than buying individual packets and meant I could try a variety of things out.
As soon as I got back I dug out the compost and something to plant them in and got planting! It was easy enough albeit rather unorganized, because silly me forgot to label each pot. Ooops!
And then in the afternoon I went for a walk and had a little mooch around Lidl and spotted these:
They had loads of different things including herbs and flowers, but I decided to get these four because they were the only ones that I would actually make any use out of. And the best thing? Each kit was only £1! Inside, each had a packet of seeds, a decent amount of soil and its own growing tray. I decided to plant them in my large pots instead though so I wouldn't need to transfer them when they started growing.